ESPN Playbook Talks SOUL
Que dit ESPN à propos de SOUL qui passe au niveau supérieur avec le casque SL300 Usain Bolt et la série vidéo #SOULofGreatness? Après avoir discuté avec Team Bolt et Team SOUL pour l'article, "Usain Bolt conçoit son propre jeu de casques", beaucoup…
"The collaboration with SOUL came from Bolt's passion for music. "Nine out of 10 times, when you see him, he has his headphones on," Gina Ford, Bolt's marketing and brand manager, says. An islander raised on rhythm, Bolt grooves to reggae, dancehall and R&B to relax and prepare. "What's more, in his free time off the track, Bolt can be found behind turntables at DJ gigs. From now on, he'll be with his SL300s."
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